Washington University School of Medicine

Non-Research Publications

Woods SW, Bearden CE, Sabb FW, Stone WS, Torous, J, Cornblatt BA, Perkins DO, Cadenhead KS, Addington J, Powers, AR, Mathalon DH, Calkins ME, Wolf DH, Corcoran CM, Horton LE, Mittal VA, Schiffman J, Ellman LM, Strauss GP, Mamah D, Choi J, Pearlson GD, Shah JL, Fusar-Poli P, Arango C, Perez J, Koutsouleris N, Wang J, Kwon JS, Walsh BC, McGlashan TH, Hyman SE, Gur RE, Cannon TD, Kane JM, Anticevic A. Counterpoint. Early intervention for psychosis risk syndromes: Minimizing risk and maximizing benefit. Schizophrenia Research. 2020 Jan.

Mamah D. The Missouri Psychiatric Association so far. Missouri Psychiatry. 2011; 2(1): 2.

Mamah D. Forming the Missouri Psychiatric Association. Missouri Psychiatry. 2010; 36(1): 2.

Mamah D. Psychiatrist-researchers are fundamental to advancing mental health. Eastern Missouri Psychiatry. 2009; 35(3):2.

Mamah D. Access to Psychiatric Care Needs to Improve in Missouri. Eastern Missouri Psychiatry. 2009; 35(1): 2.

Mamah D. We must advocate for our patients. Eastern Missouri Psychiatry. 2008 Sep; 34(2):2.

Mamah D. Developing countries need expertise to respond to unmet mental health needs. Psychiatric News. 2006 May 19; 41 (10): 8

Mamah D. Public mental health funding in Missouri. Eastern Missouri Psychiatry. 2006 Feb; 32 (1): 7

Mamah D. Resident’s can help determine APA’s future course. Psychiatric News. 2006 Feb 3; 41 (3): 9

Mamah D: State is taking risks by cutting services for the mentally ill. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. 2006 Jan 10;

Mamah D. Enhancing therapeutic alliance must be residency focus. Psychiatric News. 2005 Nov 4; 40 (21): 16

Mamah D. Residents need training to assess drug company influence. Psychiatric News. 2005 Sep 2; 40 (17): 36

Mamah D. Promising Prospects for DSM-V. Psychiatric News. 2005 Jul 1; 40 (13): 17

Mamah D. Advocacy can reap big rewards for your patients – and you. Psychiatric News. 2005 Jun 3; 40 (11): 17

Mamah D. Manic depression is same as bipolar disorder. St. Louis American. 2005 May 19: 10

Mamah D. Are depression pills safe for kids? St. Louis American. 2005 Apr 21:11

Mamah D. Psychologist prescribing privileges in Missouri. EMPS News. 2004 Summer; 31 (1): 7>